Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Global Writers Club Official Off-site Blog

This is the OFFICIAL OFF-SITE Blog of Global Writers Club.

Global Writers Club was started out of a need I had. It was amazing that in this global society with a global internet how difficult it was to find a global place for Foreign Language learning using games, and yet be able to post in any language one needed to in order to better communicate with someone. Furthermore, I found too many places that had restrictions as to what type of writing was allowed in order to "win" a certificate of reaching goals, which was usually their goal they dictated. I wanted a warm, welcoming place that if you breathe and have an idea or goal or what have you, that you wanted people to hold you accountable for, you would be validated and welcomed. I am trying to keep the place family friendly.

What's unique about this site?
The Games in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish for both Native Speakers and Foreign Language learners.

Anyone in the 9 target languages will be able to play any of the games in order to learn any of the 9 target languages they choose. This means that while the German learn Japanese, you can be learning French.

Why is "enter word here" not found in the Language learning games? I have not proven the correct meaning of the word in all 9 languages. Eventually, I hope to have those words in games too.

The Games:
Word Finds
Crossword Puzzles
Evaporating Book (my version of Hangman)
Scrambled Words
Fill In The Words
Intelligent Cube Chaos (an original game)
Ab-Libs using famous quotes in your native language
and much more!

What else is unique?
The Forum

Have a goal of any kind whatsoever, as long as its Family friendly, we'll support you in it and give you a certificate download when you accomplished your goal!

You can post your goal in ANY LANGUAGE, and, if I can figure out what language it is, I'll do a rough translation into English for you.

You can post in ANY LANGUAGE and not be banned. I won't guarantee someone else who speaks your language, but I'll at least try to learn it.

What's coming in the future?
eFiction "Blogs" where you can post your stories in any language you want to.

I'll have the "Top 10" list of links in various categories specific to writing in particular genres, and other types of resources. I won't be a search engine!

Will the site have Ads? Yes, eventually, but absolutely NO pop-ups, pop-unders, or persistent ads. One gaming site had a persistent ad that never closed. You could never do anything at that site. I never went back. Their loss.

Is this a Social Networking Site? Yes, it is, in the sense that you can start your eFiction Blog and post your stories, or whatever you want, and talk about almost anything in the Forum. However, these capabilities won't be up until July 2011, if all goes well.

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